Elie Wiesel is an example of Jewish children whose all lives were turned. Elie is a Nobel-Prize winning writer and activist who dedicated himself so no one could forget the horrible experiences of the Jews. He wanted to remember all the Jewish people who fought and suffered alone.Elie Wiesel was born on September 30, 1928, in Sighet. He grew up with three sisters and he pursued Jewish religious studies and his father’s liberal expressions of Judaism. His father was named Shlomo Wiesel and his mother Sarah who owned a grocery store. Wiesel’s father encouraged Elie to have a strong sense in humanism while his mother wanted him to study Torah and Kabbalah. Elie’s grew up speaking Yiddish at home with a community that was based upon …show more content…
Elie almost starved to death survived the cruel camps. After the liberations of the camps in April 1945, he was reunited with his sisters in a French orphanage. He refused to talk about his experiences and talk about the Holocaust. Francois Mauriac broke Elie’s silence in 1952, he wrote about his tragedies in the camps.He published over 30 books and earned a Nobel Peace Prize. Elie published “And the World Would Remain Silent’ in Argentina but was shortened “La Nuit” for France and “Night” for for English readers. Night had two novels “Dawn” and “Day” to closely understand the experiences of one