The shelves White House Library are filled with volumes and novels ranging from historical novels to in-depth biographies. The question arises, however, of how such a vast collection of literature came to be. The existence 0of this library can be attributed to Abigail Powers Fillmore, First Lady of the United States from 1850 to 1853. Through her passion for knowledge, Fillmore became a quiet but strong figure both in and out of the White House.…
Many people know a lot about the Presidents, but not too many get to know the First Ladies. They’re always helping out behind the scenes. However, Anna Harrison didn’t get to do that. On July 25, 1775, a baby girl named Anna Tuthill Symmes was born.…
Abigail Adams Abigail Adams was born on November 11 1744 in Weymouth, Massachusetts. William Smith and Elizabeth Quincy Smith where her parents, they had 4 children Abigail being the second born out of her brother William and her 2 sisters Mary Smith Cranch and Elizabeth Smith shaw peabody. Abigail did not have a formal education because of her chronic illness, but she availed herself of the family library to master subjects most women never consider. On October 25, 1764 she married John adams and they had 6 children: Abigail, John Quincy (future president),Susanna, Charles, Thomas, and Elizabeth. Since her husband was almost never home they exchanged letters, from 1762 until 1801 there were over 1,100 letters exchanged.…
Theodore Roosevelt has left a huge impact on the United States. Theodore is commonly known as “Teddy”. He achieved many great things during his lifetime. He won a Noble Peace Prize and he was the youngest man to ever become president of the United States. Teddy was adored by many Americans and his face was carved into Mount Rushmore.…
How significant was Eleanor Roosevelt's role in bringing about social changes in the USA during the 1930s-40s? Introduction Eleanor Roosevelt was a diplomat, activist, politician, writer and the longest serving First Lady of the United States, who has revolutionized the role of the First Lady and brought many social changes by fighting for the civil rights of African Americans, women rights and the rights of the refugees during the World War 2. These are the three main aspects that the essay will focus on, in order to show the major significance of Eleanor Roosevelt's role in bringing about social changes in the USA. Eleanor Roosevelt is also widely known for the positive influence she had on her husband, Franklin D. Roosevelt, who became president of the United States in March, 1933, after having been diagnosed with polio in 1921. The polio came unexpectedly and Roosevelt wanted to quit politics, however Eleanor was persuasive enough to convince him to keep on going and somewhat ironically, his suffrage became her rescue.…
Abigail Adams Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and diligence -Abigail Adams. Every thing that this amazing woman accomplished, she fought for with ardor and diligence. In the legacy unit we were encouraged to find and write about movements and people that inspired us, as these things go Abigail Adams is an amazing example, a strong woman amazing leader and outspoken advocate hard to get much better than that. Abigail Adams a name that will live in infamy for the amazing things that she accomplished and a legacy that spans generations.…
Eleanor Roosevelt had such a love for her country. Her patriotism inspires me to take responsibility for the things I have been…
On February 12th, Alice was giving birth to a daughter named Alice Lee, Two days after the birth Roosevelt’s mother died of typhoid fever and his wife died of kidney disease one right after each other under the same roof. A few months after that, Roosevelt started pursuing a political career to escape his troubles. Roosevelt left his daughter under the protection of his sister and fled to the Badlands. When he was out West, Roosevelt picked up on the country lifestyle and decided to raise cattle and start to hunt grizzly bear. Roosevelt bought two ranches and thousands of cattle.…
Because of Franklin and his encouragement, Eleanor broke gender barriers as a spokeswoman and an ambassador for the UN (WH). FDR monumentally changed the presidency in his…
“One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes... and the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility.” Eleanor Roosevelt As individuals we are responsible for the choices we make. From choosing to do our work or not to choosing to clean our room or leave it dirty. Each choice reflects our self responsibility, which is the control we have over our lives. Being self- responsible means being accountable for oneself.…
President Theodore Roosevelt had two wives and five children. The names of the wives were Edith Roosevelt and Alice Hathaway Lee. The names of the children were Alice Roosevelt Longsworth, Kermit Roosevelt, Ethal Roosevelt Derby, Quentin Roosevelt, and Archibald Roosevelt. Martha Bulloch Roosevelt and Theodore Roosevelt Sr. were his parents. Theodore Roosevelt was born in New York City.…
Eleanor Roosevelt was one of the many women who inspired not only women but men. She was an activist and the leader of not only women’s rights but civil rights. She believed that political and social change was worth fighting for and that’s what she did. This engaged other women in taking a stand and joining her. Women were always put in this standard and stereotype and she was ready to break women out of that.…
She married her 5th cousin and rising politician Franklin D. Roosevelt on March 7, 1905 and became fully immersed in public service. By the time they arrived in the White House in 1933 as President and First Lady, she was already deeply involved in human rights and social justice…
“Women are like teabags. You don’t know how strong they are until you put them in hot water” – Eleanor Roosevelt According to the Oxford dictionary, a women is defined as a wife, a female human being and even a sweetheart. Despite, the dictionary giving us the obvious definition, one thing it misses is the whole stereotype that has been placed on women throughout the years. The stereotype of not being unable to be independent, the stereotype of being a housewife, the stereotype of not being an intellectual and the stereotype of being the male’s sidekick.…
The First Lady of the United States is not elected, her position is not defined, and her role is informal. She is not paid for her work, and there is no official documentation of responsibilities for her to follow, yet her position is both accepted and expected throughout the United States. Her actions represent and reflect the current president’s administration, and she serves a political and social platform in the country. Each woman creates her own version of what the position of First Lady entitles, since there are no constitutional guidelines, and each First Lady’s role ends up being as diverse as the women themselves. The founding fathers imagined the social role of the First Lady to represent the same core values that the nation stood upon, such as “elegance without excess, power without pomp, and dignity without disdain for the common man.…