For starters a benefit of owning a car at a younger age is that it teaches how to think about being somewhere on time and responsebility. For example when you are on your own and you have an appointment at 8:30 in the a.m. and you were planning on leave at 8 because it is a 30 minute walk to the doctors. But the next day your alarm does not go off and it is 8:15 how are you supposed to get there on time if you have to walk. This would be a perfect time for you to have your license and a car so you could be there on time. Some people believe that teenagers should not have their licenses until they mature more but that statement is wrong according to Unlimited-revs where they state that 5 reasons why teenagers need vehicles or at least access to them, some of the reasons are Job …show more content…
Also another issue with having older drivers is that they have issues seeing signs on the road, which you could probably guess why that would be an issue. Is could very possibly be a danger to miss a stop sign or a railroad crossing sign. Another issue is that some older people have difficulty seeing objects up close like their road maps and dashboard. They also have difficulties judging distances and speeds. You may be thinking that that the very basis of driving is judging speeds and distances. Which is a good point against having older