Edwards Compare And Contrast Essay

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“Therefore, let every one that is out of Christ, now awake and fly from the wrath to come…..” (Edwards 129). As he explained in this quote, John Edwards is a Puritan minister who enjoys giving sermons that inspires people. The people he preaches to are said to feel like a new person and feel like they are “born again”. Edwards is an inspiring man who continues to change many people’s lives. One of his famous works is Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. Another illustrious Puritan author is a poet named Anne Bradstreet. She writes about her life and what endeavors she has experienced. Bradstreet is very family-involved, and she secretly writes poems such as To My Dear and Loving Husband and Upon the Burning of Our House, July 10th, 1666. Edwards and …show more content…
They spread their message to always have God in a person’s life to able them to go to heaven and be with him in the afterlife. However, John Edwards mainly preaches while Anne Bradstreet writes poetry. Edwards is also a little more straight forward and to the point, while Bradstreet sugarcoats some of her views. Edwards has a way of preaching that is more harsh and almost frightening. For example, he states, “...it is nothing but his pleasure that keeps you from being this moment swallowed up in everlasting destruction.” (Edwards 126). Edwards’ ideas and ways can be intimidating because he is very truthful and honest. He opens up about what he believes in and doesn’t keep anything that he is thinking to himself. Additionally, Edwards also says things like, “It is everlasting wrath.” (128). While this sounds harsh, he is still talking about God, as both Edwards and Bradstreet do. Anne Bradstreet’s main topic of her religious views can be simple. For instance, she declares, “And to my God my heart did cry / To strengthen me in my distress,” (118). Bradstreet proclaims her views in a much more calm and collected way than Edwards

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