Similarities Between Jonathan Edwards And William Byrd

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Jonathan Edwards & William Byrd When most people think of the early American settlers, they think of the pilgrims that settled at Plymouth Rock. However, many people came from very many walks of life, social classes, and religions. Religion plays a huge part in many people’s lives around the world. An example of all of the facts listed above are these two men: Jonathan Edwards and William Byrd. Who are they? Why are they so important? Here’s why. Jonathan Edwards and William Byrd are two men from the early colonial American period who believed very differently. They had different religions, therefore showing that they thought very differently. One was a convicted Puritan, and the other, a sociable Anglican. one was a preacher who tried to save his congregations through the power of parallelism, and the other, a man who neglected his prayers, and chased women. …show more content…
He died on March 22, 1758, in New Jersey. Edwards grew up in a religious family and went to school at Yale at the age of fourteen. He is known for his sermon entitled “Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God.” Jonathan Edwards is known as an incredibly intense, and fiery preacher. He was known as “the last Puritan” or “the last of the Puritans.” He was known as this because he went by his Puritan ways until his older days when he changed his opinions on salvation. At first he thought that God chose the people that he would save, following Puritan belief. Towards the end of his life, he started to realize that God did not choose people, people had to choose God. Edwards believed that everyone has a choice in who they believe, God does not choose some people and then turn his back on everyone else. These are the opinions of Jonathan

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