Comparison Of Winthrop And Edwards 'A Model Of Christian Charity'

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The beginnings of American literature were greatly influenced by religious values and beliefs of the writers. As shown in sermons by John Winthrop and Jonathan Edwards, Winthrop uses a calming form of persuasion to influence his constituents. Edwards on the other hand uses more of a fire and brimstone tone to reach his constituents. Both sermons are meant to help motivate and keep god in the lives of the early settlers.
In Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity,’ this sermon was given by Winthrop to the puritans on their way to the new world. He was trying to ensure that God, love and kindness help them to overcome the challenges they are about to face. “Now the only way to avoid this shipwreck, and to provide for our posterity, is to follow

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