Eddy Berhendt's The Kindertransport: The Holocaust

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The Kindertransport In the 1930’s through the 1940’s, the German Nazi government took over and began capturing jewish and other people, putting them in concentration camps. If you did not fit the “master race” (blonde hair, blue eyes) you were put into concentration camps as well. This cruel act is known as the Holocaust. Adolf Hitler is the one who orchestrated this all, but a man named Eddy Berhendt created the Kindertransport. The Kindertransport took approximately 10,000 children and shipped them off to Great Britain to live in foster homes. The Kindertransport was known for why it was created/implemented, living conditions, and the impact it had on the children.

The Kindertransport was created by a man that wanted to put his skills to the test and how he wanted to do it. This man was Eddy Behrendt, Founder of Kindertransport Association and a Holocaust survivor organization (“The Kindertransport Association”). He was the mastermind behind it all, that saved many children from going to concentration camps. “The Kindertransport saved only 10,000 children, a small number compared to the million and a half children who perished, yet it has its importance” (“The KIndertransport Association”). Even though 10,000 is not even half of the children that were taken by the Nazi’s, the Kindertransport still saved as many children as they could. It is important to know the background of The Kindertransport and show importance to the topic. Kindertransport has good living conditions, but like everything in life leaves problems.
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The language barrier and the emotions the children faced left struggles needed to be faced everyday. “Most couldn't speak the language and had no idea who was going to care for them” (“The Holocaust Explained”). The language barrier caused many problems, the children couldn’t communicate with their foster families because they simply didn’t speak the same language. The barrier between two languages was not the only problems the children faced. Another problem was the emotions the children went through. Most children were never reunited with their parents. This left them alone and a stage of grief, that no child should encounter. “Approximately 80% of Kindertransport families were never reunited. Many of their stories have been forgotten” (Host). 80% is a big number for the children that were in the Kindertransport that were never reunited with their loved ones. The problems that were faced were the least of their worries, they were out of harm's reach. The association left a great impact on the children. The children often questioned “Will I ever be reunited with my family?” and “What’s my faith supposed to be?” The ways they dealt with the problems were incredible. They lived a life with their foster families, and the 20% that had family that survived left to find them. “Those who had family members in other countries frequently joined them. In addition to those who went to the United States, many went to Israel, some to Australia, and we even have one member in Nepal! Very few Jews returned to Germany or Austria after the war” (“The Kindertransport Association”). The rest of the children stayed in Britain to continue their lives with their foster families. Besides the children who reunited with families, another was an impact on their faith.

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