Personal Narrative: My First Intifada

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One might say I’ve experienced my share of fright, heartache, and disappointment in life. Born in 1940 in Berlin, Germany to a very strict Jewish family, it seemed as though my life was destined to be like any other European Jew at that time: deathly persecution by the ever-present population of anti-semites in Europe. Shortly after the Adolf Hitler rose to power in 1933, my parents, older sister, and I fled to live with my great aunt in Barcelona, Spain. Looking back on that event, I consider myself greatly blessed to have fled from the evil and persecution of the Nazis, for many Jews didn’t have that privilege. Even at a young age while living in Spain, I often felt feelings of guilt, for many of my fellow Jews were being killed by the thousands each day. Nevertheless, I was grateful for my aunt’s hospitality because her hospitality allowed my entire family to survive during that horrible time. On a beautiful, sunny day in September of 1945, my family received word over the radio that the war had ended. I remember feelings of excitement and happiness, yet feelings of sadness. The persecution of my people ended, but I realized that we’d have to return to Germany. I had no desire to move back because Spain was the only home I remembered. I didn’t desire to move back to a place that, to my knowledge, hated Jews. I desired to spend the rest of my life in Spain. To my surprise, my mother and sister felt the same way; they desired to stay in safe Spain out of fear that persecution still existed in Germany. On the other hand, my father seemed flatly indifferent. From what I perceived at a very young age, my father desired to travel back to my people’s homeland of Israel on the Mediterranean Sea. However, at the current time, he understood it was filled with Muslims, or as he referred to them “Mohammedans.” To his knowledge, Muslims were barbaric people who hated all individuals who didn’t adhere to the Muslim faith. As he’d always blatantly state it, “living amongst the Muslims is, and will never be, an option.” Not knowing what to do, my family finally reached the the consensus that we’d stay in Spain for the next few years. However, in 1947, my family received word from our neighbors that the United Nations established a plan to divide a piece of land in the Middle East called “Palestine” into three parts controlled by separate entities: Palestine, Israel, and an international group. At the sound of this news, tears rolled down my father’s cheeks, and a faint smile appeared. He was truly happy that the nation of Israel was being restored. At that moment, he made the decision for my family that we’d be moving to Israel. I had the feeling that my mother, sister, and I shared a mutual feeling that it wasn’t safe to return. Many of the Palestinians refused to allow us to return because they felt it was their land. Also, it was quite evident that everybody but my father didn’t want to leave because Spain because it became our home, and we enjoyed living there. Nevertheless, after Israel declared its sovereignty, we packed …show more content…
Just when I thought Israel and Palestine could exist peacefully, many assassinations of public leaders and riots occurred. Most notably, the First Intifada occurred in the 1987. This event is very close to my heart, as it involved a nephew who I considered a son. Now this “Intifada” was characterized by the Palestinians rioting against Israeli soldiers and doing heinous actions, like throwing large stones at the soldiers. As I mentioned previously, the Intifada is particular sensitive for me because my nephew, Aaron, was involved in this attack. Walking down the streets of a Palestinian camp one afternoon, he was attacked by a group of Palestinian boys, and one of the boys threw a large rock at his head. He immediately fell to the ground and was luckily discovered by another Israeli soldier a few hours later. It pains me to say that the injury caused him to die in an Israeli hospital a few days later. One would think that an event like this would cause one to issue a death warrant for all Palestinians. However, I desired to do no harm to these people. If anything, I desired a two-state solution more than

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