Ebola Virus: Article Analysis

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Ebola Virus In “Ebola Virus,” The article explains how EVD or Ebola is a dangerous disease because of its symptoms. Ebola’s symptoms are high fever, vomiting and diarrhea and blood coming from eyes, ears, nose and mouth. The author of the article writes about the history of EVD and how it killed thousands of people. Ebola’s first name was Ebola hemorrhagic fever and it was discovered in the Untied States of America. The symptoms of Ebola appear from two to twenty two days after he, she and it obtain it. The article perfectly cleared that “There is no accepted Ebola vaccine”(second paragraph). There is no cure but the treatment is difficult and surviving is zero present. The virus can be spread through saliva, blood and skin but it can’t be spread through water or air. The article goes on to say that the person who gets Ebola dies due to organ failure. The article also mentioned that the largest outbreak was in 2014. 15,000 people had Ebola and 5000 died because of the disease. The disease expanded in humans for two years from 1994 to 1996. …show more content…
The article’s first sentence “The Ebola virus disease (EVD) is a serious and deadly illness”. The sentence strongly cause fear to whoever is reading it. The tone is also sad because the article talks about the people who didn’t suffer the disease. When the article said, “Only one person died from EVD in the United States, and five others were infected”(9th paragraph). The writer’s tone seemed very calming because there were not a lot of people that died. Also the attitude of the author’s line “The West African outbreak had caused more deaths than every other EVD outbreak combined” (8th paragraph) was very deep, sad and strong tone because it shows people dying from the virus. The tones of the virus’s symptoms are horrible because of the bleeding from almost all parts of the body. I don’t want to imagine the pain of Ebola because I had a fever last year and it was

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