Marburg is an infectious virus that hinders the lives of many people, often occurring in the most rural regions of Africa (35). The Hot Zone by Richard Preston and “Stalking a Killer” by David Quammen both explain Marburg’s severity, among the other filoviruses, and the proper precautions that occurs when handling this agent. “Stalking a Killer” is an article that touches on Marburg and the different types of Ebola; it tells short accounts of infected victims. The Hot Zone is a study about the frightening filoviruses that many struggle with. The Hot Zone by Richard Preston gives a riveting understanding of the virus by describing the hosts’ symptoms and reactions. The Hot Zone and “Stalking a Killer” address the agents as ‘infectious diseases’…
Ebola and Marburg seem to have a very strong connection to animals. Charles Monet, who was the index case for Marburg, was surrounded by animals everywhere he went; monkeys lived near his house and he even fed them out of his hand (Preston 8). There is strong evidence that he could have received Marburg from one of the monkeys. The monkeys that commonly carried Marburg were from Uganda (Preston 40). It appears that wherever monkeys go, Marburg and Ebola are not far behind. Not only are…
The Hot Zone part 1 is about the Ebola Virus, a deadly virus that is highly contagious and kills 90% of people that contract it. There is no cure, and no vaccine for this deadly infectious virus. The only known source of the virus is Kitum Cave, on Mount Elgon in Africa, deep in the tall rain forest. The first known case is of Charles Monnet, a researcher living in Africa, he spreads it by getting on a plane and going to a hospital. There he infects a doctor named Dr. Musoke, who then gets a…
Ebola Virus In “Ebola Virus,” The article explains how EVD or Ebola is a dangerous disease because of its symptoms. Ebola’s symptoms are high fever, vomiting and diarrhea and blood coming from eyes, ears, nose and mouth. The author of the article writes about the history of EVD and how it killed thousands of people. Ebola’s first name was Ebola hemorrhagic fever and it was discovered in the Untied States of America. The symptoms of Ebola appear from two to twenty two days after he, she and it…
people and the outbreak of Ebola in a monkey house. Preston also goes into details about the symptoms of Ebola and the different strains of Ebola,which are Ebola Zaire, Ebola Reston, and Ebola Sudan. Preston really informs about the dangers of Ebola and what it can do to the human body and what must be done to prevent the virus from spreading around the world and causing an epidemic. Undoubtedly this novel gives us true facts that would help us in the future if we were ever to come across this…
INTRODUCTION The Ebola virus disease (EVD) was first identified in 1976 during two simultaneous outbreaks, one in Sudan and the other in Democratic Republic of Congo. Since then there have been 24 outbreaks involving 28,635 reported cases and 11,314 deaths according to the World Health Organization (REFERENCE). EVD is an example of an “emerging/ re-emerging” pathogen, due to its divergent genomes and sporadic outbreaks causing severe hemorrhaging fever in humans and non-human primates. The…
Ebola – a pathogen from our worst nightmares was once just the name of a river in northern Zaire, Africa. How did the name of a river give rise to a virus with such a horrifying connotation? The recent Ebola outbreak occurring in West Africa is on high alert across the world. The Ebola virus is lives in animals such as the fruit bat, but has the tendency to make the jump to humans. When this jump does occur, the virus is deadly and kills the majority of those infected. Because the virus is…
2014 when the whole world was up in arms about it spreading and becoming a pandemic. This incident of outbreak in West Africa shows how far we have come as a world, technologically and medically, but also how far we still have to go. The severity of the outbreak was completely avoidable, however due to the disregard of certain factors not usually associated with disease, such as cultural practices, it became an epidemic. In order to approach future infectious disease outbreaks, research shows…
The Ebola virus is gaining worldwide fame due to its sensational outbreak originating from Sierra Leone. The outbreaks of the virus have been recognized and effectively dealt with in the past, but the present outbreak is becoming a overwhelming challenge. Approximately there have been 15,000 suspected cases of the disease and 6,000 confirmed deaths so far. The horrifying visual hemorrhagic symptoms caused by the Ebola virus include internal and external bleeding as well as the fear inducing…
Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) belongs to the Old World arenavirus family of enveloped viruses (Buchmeier et al., 2007). LCMV in particular has served as model organism from many significant studies in the field of immunology such as the Nobel Prize winning study of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) by Zinkernagel and Doherty (1975). LCMV’s natural reservoirs are the common household rodents (Traub, 1936). Household mice have shown to attain persistent asymptomatic LCMV…