ESL-117A Class Analysis

Improved Essays
Throughout this ESL-117A class in this semester, I experienced many new ways to write papers and read articles. At the beginning of this semester, I was extremely not confident because I did not know to write a formal essay. As the semester progressed, I began to feel more and more comfortable and confident as a writer and reader. It is true that English is beneficial for many classes in college such as history, anthropology, and sociology. In this semester, I learned about three important things in my English class ESL-117A. First, I learned about how to use the correct format and structure in my essay. Furthermore, I learned about how to write a three level thesis. Finally, I learned about how to annotate textbooks. These are very pieces …show more content…
It is nice to be able to learn how to make my paper clear and more consistent. In this class, I learned a kind of structure called PIE structure and MLA format. I was given many tips on how to write an introduction, conclusion, and each body paragraph in my essays. PIE includes point, information, and explanation, and it can make our essay to be clear. In my second essay about education, I wrote about what struggles that the students face to in college. In the one of the body paragraphs, I wrote about one of the struggles that the students have in college are culture and language as one of the main points. After that, I quoted one of the passages from the article “ The Human Cost of An Illiterate Society,” by Jonathan Kozol as the evidence and information. Finally, I used my own word to explain the quotation and create some solution as the explanation. It shows that PIE structure can make our essay become very clear, and it is particularly useful if you have trouble with organization. In addition, we have to use MLA format in every essay. In MLA format, we need to use 12 font Time New Roman. Also, we have to put our name, professor’s name, course name, and date in the beginning of the essay, and we need to put the number of page on the top in each page. To sum up, one of the important things that I learned in this English class is structure and …show more content…
For many of us, the problem is that we start at the beginning of the book and slog through till the end, and then we assume that we're finished. However, we usually forget the detail in the book when we are taking the quiz or test. Thus, as a reader, it is very important to annotate as we are reading a book. Annotating textbook is the first thing that I learn from this English class. When we are annotating the article, we need to highlight the key information such as character, ideas, and events, and then we need make analyze in the margins. By the way, we should look up the vocabulary that we do not know. One of the articles in the book named Sample Professional Essay talks about what the struggles that the illiterate face to. There are many ideas in this article, so I tried to make the annotation for each point so that I can remember the points and do some critical thinking or analysis during the class discussion. Consequently, annotation is very useful not only for English class, but also appropriate for other subject. In conclusion, there are three important things that I learned from this English class. First, I learned about how to write PIE structure and MLA format essay. Secondary, I learned about how to write a three level thesis which helping me successfully structure my paper. In addition, I learned how to annotating text book which helping me cultivate critical thinking.

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