P22 I agree that Inclusion is not always positive for everyone and can cause disruption to the majority. (Rix et al,2010 p 179) However, as educators should we not be more creative with ways to include the children at every level to ensure their full inclusion not just partial inclusion p129 bk 1 the introduction of the National Curriculum in England and Wales in 1988 under the Education Reform Act was intended to bring everyone together, regardless of where children were taught, everyone was taught the same. However the children have to fit the curriculum, it is not the curriculum that fits every child or meets all of their needs. P299 bk 1 As I have progressed through the E214, I have tried to become more creative in my teaching and tried to fit the curriculum around the children I work with, differentiating through using Communicate in Print to support language and making each lesson as practical and fun as possible, however, this approach has caused tension with some staff and is not widely accepted across the …show more content…
(E214, Unit 4, P161) Yet inclusive education is based on the human rights model. P214 Inclusion should be ‘flexible and meaningful.’ p220 Hart (1996, p. 102) provides a framework of five questioning ‘moves’ which help teachers to think in fresh ways about the teaching and learning situation, and to imagine different interpretations from a range of perspectives. The moves involve: teachers making connections between the learner’s responses and the context in which they occur; contradicting, teasing out and re-evaluating the assumptions underlying our understanding of the situation; taking the child’s eye view to find the meaning and purpose for the learner, the situation or our interpretation of it; suspending judgement while we review our interpretation and resources to act; noting the impact of feelings on the situation or our interpretation of it. p202 I hope that my input as limited as it is will make a change to the children I work with, through making mindful desisions and keeping Hart’s ‘moves’ at the forefront of my planning, ensuring the activities I provide are meaningful for the children I