Dr. Phil Mcgraw: A Personal Definition Of A Hero

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People have admired heroes ever since the dawn of mankind. Heroes portray traits that humanity values. As the ancient Greeks said, “Tell me who you admire and I’ll tell you who you are.” People are in need of heroes because they characterize our ideals: “Collectively and individually we continue to be a people in search of sages; anxious and eager to find people worthy of our love and loyalty” (Harper 1). The well-known interpretation of a hero is somebody who has unrealistic superpowers and super-strength. However, my personal definition of a hero is someone who generously helps others and able to overcome multiple obstacles that life puts in their way. Today we find our inspirational figures in the media. A person is mainly heroic on their …show more content…
McGraw was born in Vinita, Oklahoma and spent most of his childhood in Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, and Texas. Dr. Phil is a public figure because he is, “Part showman, part psychologist, [and] McGraw drew six million daily viewers to his program, where he urged people to ‘get real’ about their lives. His self-help books were also popular, topping the New York Times' best-seller list” (Newsmakers). His inspiration being his father, he also studied psychology at the University of North Texas. Yet, in order to pursue his dream he quit his job and established his own show in 2002. A hero must possess not only the ability to help others, but must have courage in overcoming adversities. One’s abilities to help others in trouble showcases their moral beliefs and being able to overcome adversity demonstrates their determination. Talk show host Phil McGraw, known for his compassion through his sympathetic efforts, utilizes his knowledge of psychology to provide advice for troubled guests, and serves as a role model for others for overcoming adversity making him a hero admired by many. McGraw established his show for the motive of assisting his guests through strenuous times that demonstrates his altruism. Dr. Phil offers solutions to people in need of conduct. An example of his selfless work is when he aided Oprah Winfrey to push through a lawsuit. He believed that she needed help and …show more content…
Phil exhibits generosity when mentioning to his audience that he helps people without the need of money. He devotes most of his time helping people better their lives. By creating his show, he helps more than just his guests-he helps the millions of TV viewers with the same struggles. He does not help people because it is his job. Dr. Phil demonstrates that he actually cares about his guests as he checks on them even after the show. McGraw has opened many opportunities for other people to change how they live and perceive life. Additionally, Dr. Phil McGraw writes his books for the purpose of helping other people. He has covered many different issues such as obesity, money, and family. His acts of kindness make him well-known and a role model. He exhibits charity defining him as a

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