● For First Amendment Rights:
Franklin, A. J., & Boyd-Franklin, N. (2000). Invisibility syndrome: a clinical model of the effects of racism on African-American males. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 70(1), 33.
A synopsis of the source:
When the Brown v. Board of Education did away with segregated schools, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, gave citizenship protection and equal rights to African Americans, there was a perception that all things were now equal and fair. African Americans males still feel experience spaces where they feel that they are invisible
African Americans are aware of different situations that occur which will allow them to have an internal instinct when a racial situation occurs. When an individual experience the isolation or invisibility, there is an internal conflict for the individual because it requires decisions that must be made for the person to feel visible. The invisibility paradigm originates from people being naiveté and biased attitudes toward and about African Americans. Microaggressions are subtle acts or attitudes that are experienced as hostile, and that fit a history or patter of personal racial slights and disregards. Microaggression also causes an internal analysis about what one desires to do and what one shouldn’t or can’t do. This is also has an important An ongoing effort to manage racial overtones, as well as having to deal with acts of racism can undermine the drive that African American have. There may be a internalized rage that has occurred, or immobilize frustration focused on racial injustices that will determine a person’s behavior. Depression and substance abuse, as well as violence, may be reactive symptoms that are caused because of oppressive and disorienting elements of physiological invisibility. When African American students gather at school cafeterias tables or black co-workers choose to sit together during breaks, they exchange a kind of acceptance and legitimacy which reinforces key elements in their process of achieving visibility. Proposed activity/Assessment: Activity/Assessment: Have students to define times when they have experienced invisibility. Create a role play scenario where participants are able to experience invisibility and have a discussion following it. Reference: Franklin, A. J., & Boyd-Franklin, N. (2000). Invisibility syndrome: a clinical model of the effects of racism on African-American males. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 70(1), 33. ● For Student Privacy: Constitution Check: Do school uniform policies violate the First Amendment? …show more content…
(2014). Retrieved June 21, 2016, from http://blog.constitutioncenter.org/2014/02/constitution-check-do-school-uniform-policies-violate-the-first-amendment
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School records contain sensitive information about a student as well as about their family. The content of a student’s record can have an impact on their educational experience. Privacy abuse range from grades being discussed to pictures on the internet. FERPA protects students’ records of those school who received federal funding.
Parents should read everything sent home or mailed to the home about information related to privacy. There is nothing wrong with asking why certain information may be requested. Please ensure that you know what the school or district policies are related to surveys and or third-party access to personal student information. Note that your child does not have to take all surveys or complete questionnaires that they have been provided. Your children can “opt-out” of surveys, test, or other process that they are not comfortable with. FERPA provides privacy for a student, however it does not give