Tda 2.11

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Although the school and its staff is bound by law to handle information about children in a confidential way and share it only with relevant and responsible people. It is important to reassure children, young people and adults that any information about them is kept confidential and only used where and when necessary and only for the required duration in order to maintain their trust and security. It is their right to privacy to have this information kept confidential and not passed on for others to talk about or gossip.
Parents should also be reassured that the school is providing correct care and support for them and their children. When parent consent is taken in advance, they are less likely to feel that their confidentiality is being breached.
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As TA I need to strictly follow the rules of confidentiality, as I am trusted with all the important information about the children I am working with, but there are some situations where confidentiality protocol must be breached.
If a child is about to make a disclosure to me and I suspect that a child is being abused and he/she want me to keep it as a secret. First of all, I will let them know that it depends on what they are about to say. I will tell if there is something that is danger of abuse, I can’t obviously keep it to myself but will keep you informed whatever is going to happen and it will be for your safety. In this case where child is being abused I need to breach the confidentiality protocol and need to inform my line manager. If a child at risk of harming themselves and/or others in the situation also confidentially must be also breached.
Therefore, any serious problems that include child or young person being harmed by somebody else, e.g. child abuse at home or bullying at school; or being at risk by self-abuse or suicidal intentions. Information of this nature cannot be kept confidential, as the child’s life and health are more important than confidentiality

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