Objectives Time-table for Compilation
Transfer all minority students in honors classes into Pre-AP classes; in order to prepare and possibly recruit these students into AP classes in the future. Fall 2017
Provide training to Honors, Pre- AP teachers, AP teachers, guidance counselors, and school administrators on how to encourage and engage minority students on; how to take AP classes, the transferability of these credits to colleges and universities, and the scholarship available. Fall 2016 -2020
Pay for all students to take the AP/IP Exams, and provide a $500 reimbursement to allow students to cover the cost of Dual Credit class at the local technical college. Fall 2016-2020
Review Pre- Requisites for AP classes to ensure that they are equally allowing all students capable to have access to AP Classes. Fall 2017
Goal Number 2: Reduce class sizes in English and Math classes to 25:1, and ensure that there is a balanced racial make-up in all classes.
Objectives Time-table for Compilation
Design and implement master schedules that support the reduction of Math and English classes to 25:1. Fall