Today, the modern education system is tainted with bureaucratic and oligarchical tendencies that prevents students of color, and low socioeconomic backgrounds from excelling in this highly competitive field. While I do believe that the best should be rewarded for their academic excellence, I am a firm believer of the quote by Milton Friedman which states ““Everyone …show more content…
To do so, I propose creating a network of mentoring programs creating by the Ron Brown Scholar organization, that go out and bridge the gap between African American youth, and academic success. Many may argue this point by stating the old phrase “the road is wide but the path is narrow”, however, I cannot agree with the ideology when I know that students just like myself are given an half rate education just because of where they live, and the tax code that follows. I am first a child of God, and then I am a black man:I know the world of systemic racism that lies ahead for me and everyone with similar skin tones. So how can I sit back and let crony capitalist institutions like the SAT, and ACT which offer 9000 dollar test prep courses that guarantee high scores, prevent my people for excelling? In 2015 alone the average ACT score for black students was 17.1 compared to the national average of 21. As one of the next Ron Brown Scholars, I refuse to let this problem fall on deaf ears. I convinced that if the past, and present Ron Brown Scholars rally together under this common goal, the future generations of African American youth, will overcome every form of opposition that makes itself evident in their lives. It is time that we bring the help to the students instead of