Recently Canada elected a new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. During his campaign he promised the people of Canada that his cabinet would contain at least 50% women. Once elected he followed through on his promise and even more. In addition to 50% women the cabinet contains much more diversity. Included is an Indian and a legally blind Paralympian to name a couple. It has been proven that organizations that embrace diversity are able to cope with change and thrive. Trenton is an organization that discriminated against one of its own employees and seems to not embrace diversity.
MarShawn Demur, an African American, began working at Trenton six years ago in Detroit, Michigan. Marshawn applied for a promotion, operations manager, in Kansas and was interviewed by Clive Jenkins, the facility director. DeMur accepted the promotion and joined the Church of International Spirituality, located near his new office. At the new office DeMur excelled at his work, interacted with others well, and had an outstanding performance appraisal.
The Church of Internationalist required followers to follow strict guidelines, Demur would read Internationalist publications during breaks at work, other employees found this strange. To become a member of the church, DeMur had to take 5 days off of work. To receive time off Demur had to present information to …show more content…
When Jenkins hired MarShawn he hired a minority both religiously and ethnically. This was a good decision, but implemented poorly. According to Canas and Sondak, “Organizational leadership need to sustain the organization’s diversity management program through supportive communication and behavior” (48). To create a place where all groups are accepted, the management must inform the employees what is expected. By doing this along with behaving in a way that reflects acceptance, the rest of the company will