Firstly, one side argues that without shield laws, journalists, as well as reporters wouldn’t have as
Firstly, one side argues that without shield laws, journalists, as well as reporters wouldn’t have as
It is understandable that most would feel the use of the exclusionary rule allows the criminal element to otherwise go free on what would be perceived as a technicality, however, I would argue that the existence of such a rule only assures law enforcement and its designees conducts their investigations in such a fashion that the methods used to collect information and evidence are above reproach, thus the fear of having information be excluded is not a factor in their investigation. Additionally, it would be highly unlikely that the exclusion of evidence would be to such a degree that a case would allow for a defendant to go free unless sufficient evidence was not available to secure the conviction, to begin with. I would like to believe that, as in my office, there is more than sufficient evidence available to win a case, and that its fate is not dependent on a single source of information or evidence.…
Regardless of the name muckraker, devised by President Theodore Roosevelt, the many successes of investigative reporters are also mentioned. Discussed next are the government restrictions such as prior restraint, the Espionage Act of 1917, judicial proceedings, privacy and defamation laws…
In the 1970's, under weight from women's activist activists, legal counselors, and officials, most states changed their assault laws to facilitate the passionate load of assault victimized people who affirmed in court. They had discovered that, for some ladies, experiencing the lawful procedure was as tormenting as the assault itself. No more did a lady need to appear in the court with broken bones and missing teeth to be considered important. Assault shield laws precluded attorneys from digging into the victimized person's sexual history. As an issue, assault exploited people began approaching, and those assaulted by outsiders, as well as those ambushed by collaborators, schoolmates, relatives, and acquaintances.…
It is evident that anytime we have improvised or devised new ways of doing things, it has always raised eyebrows and created resistance. While technology empowers people to act on and treat the information, Alang writes that “the legal system has to deal with the dissemination of information for vigilante purposes “and that it will involve the “tricky process of the law considering intent and context” (Para. 7). Just as much as the law and order empowers people to do the right thing and expect justice otherwise, I feel that information digging and distribution using the technology sets the expectations for doing right in the first place. For example, recently a video was posted on social media showing an immigrant civilian beaten and frisked by police officers unlawfully in the US. Someone recorded the video and surface on a popular social media.…
1.Examine the types of decisions financial managers make. How are these decisions related to the primary objective of financial managers? There are three major decisions that financial managers have to take on a regular basis. One of them is the investments decision, the financial manager has to decide where to best invest the funds of the company. It is beneficial for the company to invest their funds to keep growing.…
Threats to freedoms 2. Technology problems 3. Privacy (lack of transparency) & confidentiality IV. CHINA A. Social media B.Poltical censorship C.Commercial control V. USA A. Copyright law…
The purpose of this paper is to answer the question of how people should rethink journalists’ ethical responsibilities to their readers and to one another by rhetorically analyzing two articles. The article, “Is All of Twitter Fair Game for Journalists?” by Amanda Hess, focuses on the author’s point of view in whether journalists should be allowed to consent to use information from people’s Twitter profiles. “Digital Media Ethics,” by Stephen J. A Ward is mainly focused on the ethics journalists are expected to have. Journalists should be aware of the information they are gathering and producing to protect ones’ privacy.…
“People tend to complicate their own lives, as if living weren 't already complicated enough.” ― Carlos Ruiz Zafón. Stand your ground law states that an individual has no duty to retreat from any place they have a lawful right to be and may use any level of force, including lethal, if they reasonably believe they face an imminent and immediate threat of serious bodily harm or death. The Stand Your Ground Law was passed in 2006 for the first time in Georgia. Although some may believe that the “Stand Your Ground” law protects American citizens from any potential threats, people may take unfair advantages of the law;therefore, the current “Stand Your Ground” law should be abolished.…
Lastly, the new law disqualifies many FISA interpretations of the law and requirements, which would then be published reports on their vague interpretations, which they cannot hide. Security system regulations usually require certain freedom limitations. With the homeland security involvement comes a constant balancing of safety measures and civil liberties. Terrorism law and intelligence agencies essentially always create controversial issues. Law enforcement, intelligence, and security areas debate for safety measures, but civil libertarians focus on personal freedoms and privacies.…
Safeguarding is a process designed to protect children from neglect, abuse and damage to their health. All children should be raised in a safe environment, “one of the key areas of protecting children is recognising and acting upon warning signs” (Department for children, schools and families, 2010). Sometimes the smallest of things picked up on by nurses can be a crucial piece of information when looking into a concern as a whole. This can also work towards developing more insight in a wider scale of concerns (Department for children, schools and families, 2010). There are many different forms of communication used by nurses involved with safeguarding children according to The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) this can…
In addition, the operation of Ofcom, statutory regulator, does not deprive broadcasters of their freedom and independence. For instance, they can still carry out investigative journalism and, in fact, have done so on numerous occasions, including the uncovering of Savile’s scandal (The Guardian, 2012). On the other hand, there are many advocates of sustaining the self-regulation of the press who point out the flaw of state regulation. Firstly, it would reintroduce state licensing which was abolished over 300 years ago – it would deny the press its right to freedom (Newstateman, 2012). The publications fear the possibility of censorship and Government’s intrusion on their watchdog role.…
Through the Stand Your Ground Law hundreds of criminals walk away from murder with no sentencing or punishment. Due to its many flaws a murder can walk free. Abused by most people, the law allows for someone to kill in cold blood and simply plead self-defense. The Stand Your Ground Law could have been beneficial in many cases but the constant use of abuse to avoid incarceration is appalling. A law intended to protect our rights and property was written so poorly that it could be twisted in the hands of our corrupt judicial system.…
People can go to school, jobs, stores and outside and still feel protected from any threat of danger because they know how to hide from it the right…
The one exception was the shooting in North Charlotte were the entire incident was recorded by a bystander who gave the footage to the New York Times, for fear that the police of North Charlotte may try use censorship to cover up the incident. In reaction to the recent highly questionable…
In today’s society it seems as if the media is starting to take control of people’s ability to think for themselves. There have been multiple cases in which many news broadcasting stations have lied to their viewers in order to spread fear and confuse, when in reality nothing serious had happened. In today’s world there seems to be three reasons in which the media is causing harm in today’s growing society. One particular reason in which the media is causing harm is what many people like to call media bias, which is the practice of how many news journalist decide in which stories to cover and how they want to cover it. After knowing how media bias works, it leads to the second reason in which does the media report fairly and how the news lies…