1984 Government Privacy

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The central theme of this research paper is about how the privacy of american citizens are being violated by the government. American citizens should not be willing to give up their aspects of their personal privacy to the government to feel safe. The government has no right to have control of people’s personal privacy for the greater good of society. In 1984 big brother has telescreens all over the place in houses, offices, stores and in workplaces etc. where he is able to watch everybody twenty- four seven of the day/night. People should feel free to do whatever they want and should not feel like their privacy is being violated by the government. People are caring trackers because the government knows what your going, who your texting and …show more content…
Another thing was big brother job was to catch people doing thought crime "He was the commander of a vast shadowy army, un underground network of conspirators dedicated to the overthrow of the State" (Orwell, pg.13) and also about totalitarian government oppresses its people and control all aspects of their lives. The government controls humans thoughts, intuition, emotions and actions to be able to control humanity and that is what the inner party is about. The inner party referred to "You had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and except in darkness, every moment scrutinized" (Orwell, pg.3) as the party it had the power to control humanity or at least the civilians of oceania. To make big brother easily recognizable is to show clearly how totalitarianism negatively affect the human spirit and how it’s impossible to remain freethinking under such circumstances. The control method is “Doublethink” its the ability to contain two different thoughts in one …show more content…
Pinpoints track any wi-fi-enabled devices like smartphones, tablets within a building. Ips will get all the information they need just from people using the wifi in any building “Ips services could easily track you right down to, say, the table you’re occupying in a mall’s food court as long as your mobile devices wifi is turned on” (Desmarais, 2012). The way in which any buildings are constructed not to mention physical obstacles people interfere with GPS abilities to pinpoint people's location, calls, text, and where they are at. Navizon ITS new technology is the navizon indoor triangulation services that review blogs discussion so “ITS can provide accurate tracking of wifi-enable devices, including smartphones,tablets, laptops, anywhere inside a building or throughout a campus” (Desmarais, 2012). Regarding location information specifically google’s privacy policy states that when you use a location-enabled google service they may collect and process information about your actual location, like GPS signals send to your mobile

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