I want to ensure the sacrifices of so many amount to something. The weather is getting warmer, the smell of decaying bodies is stronger and the patients of the men is wearing thin. The sun beats down on us and many men have fashioned their uniform to deal the the heat. I myself have sewn a cloth to the back of my cap while Jack and some of the others have cut down their military issues trousers to shorts. I must say after sewing something as simple as a piece of cloth to a cap I wish i had paid more attention to my mother as she sewed. I was always much more interested in Boy Scouts and playing rugby with mates. It's funny the things that become useful during war time. Murray's mother is a seamstress and sometimes when money was tight he would help her out, the men have been flocking to him like moths to a flame for help. Wilsons a funny sort of bloke one of them alternative Christian types who I I'd assume would a stayed home talking about how war and killing is wrong. now as the only one who can remember gods prayer he's become a minister of some sort saying a prayer as we bury or burn the bodies of fallen
I want to ensure the sacrifices of so many amount to something. The weather is getting warmer, the smell of decaying bodies is stronger and the patients of the men is wearing thin. The sun beats down on us and many men have fashioned their uniform to deal the the heat. I myself have sewn a cloth to the back of my cap while Jack and some of the others have cut down their military issues trousers to shorts. I must say after sewing something as simple as a piece of cloth to a cap I wish i had paid more attention to my mother as she sewed. I was always much more interested in Boy Scouts and playing rugby with mates. It's funny the things that become useful during war time. Murray's mother is a seamstress and sometimes when money was tight he would help her out, the men have been flocking to him like moths to a flame for help. Wilsons a funny sort of bloke one of them alternative Christian types who I I'd assume would a stayed home talking about how war and killing is wrong. now as the only one who can remember gods prayer he's become a minister of some sort saying a prayer as we bury or burn the bodies of fallen