While discretion is a mandatory component of our job, I am seeking your advice in particular because I know you to be a trustworthy man. If you haven’t heard already, Philadelphia Eagles’ star receiver Derrick Cowl was recently injured in a game against the Chicago Bears. After assessment by the team’s trainer and an orthopedic in Philadelphia, a tear of the right ACL and damage to the right medial collateral ligament and medial meniscus was confirmed. About 2 years ago I treated a similar injury sustained by a prospect receiver, Jamie Nelson, at Ohio State, which is why I assume I was referred for this case. However, Cowl is significantly older than Nelson and I’m worried I cannot produce the same results. This is why …show more content…
Holding these bones together and providing movement and stability are the lateral collateral ligament (LCL), the medial collateral ligament (MCL), the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), and posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) (“Knee Anatomy”). The top of the tibia is also covered by menisci acting mainly as shock absorbers (“Knee Anatomy”). As Cowl turned sharply to avoid being tackled, he felt a pop in his right knee. Following Cowl’s injury, an anterior drawer test, a Lachman test, and a pivot shift test were all performed. Through these tests, the trainer confirmed his suspicion of an ACL tear to the right knee. ACL tears are fairly common in football and upon replay of the injury you can clearly see Cowl turn his body without turning his foot, resulting in the injury. The pop he felt was in fact a tear of the ACL, which could not withstand the stretch from his pivot and very much “popped off”. While these tests can easily detect injuries to the ACL, other tears or strains could be present without detection (Sexton). After an x-ray of his knee, it also became apparent that the MCL and medial meniscus were damaged as