The Canadian Federal Political Government provides a chance for citizens to participate in the government. Since Canada is a diverse country, Canadians have different identities, perspectives, needs and priorities. Every four years, a political party is chosen by the citizens and the leader of the party becomes …show more content…
Some individuals tend to believe that their vote doesn’t matter and the ultimate rulers of our democracy are government officials, but the government is actually made up of people’s choice. Nothing can happen without the citizens consent, the government isn’t the government without the voters. In this quote it states the clear purpose of freedom is needed in order for our country to function at its best ability. By voting, citizens are given representation In the House Of Commons. MP’s are in charge of representing their constituents and constituency. The seats in the House Of Commons are determined by the population of an area, representation by population is when certain amount of seats are represented by an population of a area. This gives individuals a chance to have their constituent represented to a house. With the representative democracy, it gives a chance for people to know what goes on in government and their perspective is also considered. Both majority and minority government are are represented. Majority government is when in the