This is a set of traditional military ethics. Just war theory deals with the justification of how and why wars are fought. Ultimately Just War Theory attempts to establish long lasting peace and fairness. Justin would also like to set up an agreement with Mexico in a more productive and liberal manner. Canada has consistently had a very liberal relationship with both The United States and Mexico. However, Canada generally had better aspects of trade with The United States rather than Mexico. To combat this Justin Trudeau wishes to implement new economic trade policies dealing with international affairs. A few of which include free trade, and green energy commitment. These new economic policies are a large part of the international affairs. In addition, to this Sands states “Improving relations with Mexico could be a way to deepen Canadian relationships throughout Latin America and the Caribbean too, notes the report” (Sands, Christopher). Building a better relationship with Mexico will economically benefit both Canada and …show more content…
As well as, maintaining safety Canada will be reinforcing rules to illuminate illegal smuggling of weapons and drugs from The United States. Doing so will significantly decrease the negative affects coming from the border. One of the biggest policies to be put into place is focusing on climate control. Canada plans on fighting climate change. Not only will this policy better Canada it will help the entire world. However, in order to follow through Canada will have to attend the Paris Climate Conference. In addition, to going to the conference Canada will phase out fossil fuels that have been financially aiding them for over twenty years. By taking action on climate change, they will be able to reduce carbon pollution. Fortunately the Trudeau Government acknowledges that the climate changes is a problem “The provinces and territories recognize the need to act now, and have already begun to price carbon and take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions”. Overall, Canada welcomes economic and international agreements. They would like to create a North American Energy Agreement with NAFTA between climate controls. Additionally, developing clean energy technology for economic benefit. This will expand Canadian infrastructure and change other factors in North America. Canada ultimately, see’s NAFTA as an appropriate way