Canada was one of the very first homes to many of Native American people living in the world in the 1600 and 1700, they were also one of the first groups to become a colony. By 1763 Great Britain to control very the country after they defeated to they were defeated in the French and Indian war, many men still lived there after the war but there was ship loads of English speaking colonists that would come to Canada after it was taken by the British. There were many conflicts at this time in Canada one was about religion there were many different cultures if religion there was differences about the Roman Catholic French and the Protestant English speaking colonists caused the argument in Canada. By 1839, a a man named Durham had sent in a report to the parliament that would begun the ideas of two major reforms. The first reform wanted to reunite Canada as one province and that the British immigrants should be welcome, they wanted hugs because then French would become part of the English culture. They also wanted the colonists to be able to govern themselves in domestic matters, but later in the 1800s Candace believe they need a central government. By 1867 two Nova Scotia and New Brunswick would join Canada's Province to form the dominion, by this Canada was a self-governing in domestic affairs but it still remained part of the British empire. John MacDonald was a very familiar name at this time he was Canada's first prime minister he had purchase land that was westward, he …show more content…
The Durham Report is where Canada is set up into two division it was called Upper and Lower Canada, this took the tensions off for awhile. There were two colonies at this time the royal governor and a small group of very wealthy British held most of the power. 1800s came along and the middle-class professionals they both wanted in each of the colonies demanded to have political and economic reforms they were not happy with what was there at the time. Lower Canada the demands were high but they were fueled by French rancor toward the British and all the rules and law they had created/enforced. There were rebellions that would pop up all throughout the 1830s they in both the Upper and Lower parts of Canada. Durham had received a letter from the British parliament that wanted him to investigate the reform statesman. When 1839 came around Durham was complete he sent a report to the British parliament that had two very major reforms. He said first the Upper and Lower Canada should finally get back together and reunite the province of Canada, and he also wanted to get British people there by immigration. He was very smart he saw that if he got that accomplished then that the French would slowly become apart of the dominant English culture, he also wanted the colonists of the provinces of Canada to govern themselves in the domestic matters. After all of this Durham had reached what he wanted by the mid-1800s many of the Canadians agreed that that they needed a central