The meaning of being a Canadian to me is closely related to the idea of democracy and the rights and freedoms that we have as citizens of Canada. To me being Canadian has to do with the fundamental rights and freedoms set out by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms that each citizen of this country are permitted to have. This leads to my belief that an important issue within Canada today is Bill C-51 recently passed by the conservative government because it could potentially infringe upon those rights that every Canadian should be entitled …show more content…
I feel that this bill is not beneficial due to the restrictions that it could potentially be placing on individuals within Canada. From my understanding of the bill, it has the potential to infringe upon Canadian’s fundamental rights and freedoms that have been set out by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This is an issue with me because a factor to being a Canadian in my opinion is being able to have these fundamental rights and freedoms as citizens. Economics are another important issue within Canadian politics today, seeing as how we are going into a recession I believe an emphasis should be put on the economy. Also another issue on the topic of economics that is a significant issue in Canada is the increasing cost of post-secondary education. The increasingly high tuition rates that individuals within Canada are required to pay are an issue that I feel needs to be considered. The discussion of whether are not women should be allowed to wear religious head garments during the oath of Canadian citizenship is another issue being debated within Canada today. Whether or not political parties are opposed or are for women being able to wear these garments, it still remains a prominent issue today. The last issue that I believe is quite important within Canada today is the topic of Senate and the idea that the Senate should be