Definition Essay On Happiness

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According to Oxford English Dictionary, Happiness is defined as “The state of pleasurable contentment of mind; deep pleasure in or contentment with one's circumstances.” Happiness can be reached in a multitude of ways, and each person finds happiness in different things. Wealth, love, and success are common examples of what people use to determine happiness. However, these are not always adequate examples.
Happiness is not found in material things, but many believe this is all that is needed to be content. Richard M. DeVos says it best in his quote, “Money cannot buy peace of mind. It cannot heal ruptured relationships, or build meaning into a life that has none.” People can have all the money in the world, the nicest cars, the largest house, and still feel like there is something missing. While others who come from nothing can be the happiest people in the world. In relation to happiness, wealth is an irrelevant term. Material things are used to fill holes created by sadness, so one can appear to the outside world as prosperous and happy.
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However, you must love yourself or happiness can not be found, this is supported in The Translation:"The Phenomenology of Abnormal Emotions of Happiness", “Conversely, the same feelings can accompany many different kinds of mental representation; but, the mental contents of the premonitions or forebodings will always be dependant on the sense of premonition because the emotional state of the objects corresponds to that of

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