At the start of the civil war reconstruction was going great but tides quickly changed when the south revolted against reconstruction. “Southern states started to elect governments dedicated to whites-only rule.”(Rowden 505). During the span of 6 years from 1870 to 1876 only 3 Southern states had not ended reconstruction efforts. The 1876 election brought huge controversies to the point where people were threatening another civil war. However an agreement called the Compromise of 1877 gave Hayes the presidency but made him take all the troops out of the south(Rowden 505). All in all the South forced the North to put an end to an effort focused on helping the South ,an already dead …show more content…
The KKK whipped a southern Freedman for voting for a “radical ticket”. This means that this terrorist organization the KKK would whip any African American that would vote for republican candidates which directly goes against the first amendment and struck fear into many people(Colby 513). They also whipped people for not saying what they consider wrong. The identities of the KKK were known by most southerners “Some are first-class men in our town. One is a lawyer, one a doctor, and some are farmers…. They said I had voted for Grant and carried the Negroes against them.”(Colby 513). This quote from a freed slave proves the KKK was known and hated republicans as much as they hated African