Volume Number: n/a 6. Issue Number: n/a 7. Page Numbers: n/a 8. Has the article been peer reviewed? n/a Introduction Section 9.…
Johanna Wilfong March 13,2018 5th period Mrs.Hoover Dear Dardanelle School Board, “If students do not get enough sleep they could not be fully awake and they could get into a car crash and severely hurt themselves but the other person to”(McKibben). The Dardanelle School Districts Board should push back the time that school starts because students are supposed to get at least 8 to 9 hours of sleep per night and if they so not get a minimum of those hours things could go wrong.…
I can vouch for this as every time daylights savings time is either starting or ending, I find myself struggling to adjust to the change. I will tend to be more tired in the mornings when daylight savings time begins and we skip an hour ahead, or I find myself staying up later than usual and having much trouble falling asleep on time. My daily cycle will tend to be out of its usual rhythm and flow, resulting in sluggish activity and not being as productive as I normally would…
The Daylight savings seems to reduce lighting use, and electricity consumption slightly, but it increases the heating, air conditioning, and gas consumption too. If the Daylight Savings were to be extended to year round, there would be an approximate 0.5% of electricity saved per day for the United States over a four-week span. This averages out to be around enough energy to power one hundred thousand houses for up to a year. From an energy saving stand point, it’s safe to say the current DST isn’t doing much of any…
Conceived by Benjamin Franklin over 200 years ago, the idea of Daylight Saving Time had its foundations in energy savings. It was implemented in the United States during both world wars and was later standardized by the Uniform Time Act in 1966. Nowadays, controversy surrounding the subject has supporters claiming that Daylight Savings Time conserves energy otherwise spent on artificial light; promotes outdoor activities in the evening, reduces traffic accidents, and is beneficial for businesses. This paper will present and explore the opposing view that changes in energy usage over the years have made Daylight Savings Time obsolete, as it no longer serves the goal for which it was developed. Actual energy savings are inconclusivein some cases…
It can also affect many school activities with having to start later and end sooner since the day ends faster. Teens shouldn’t be affect with these possibilities of not being in an activity because the later changes. There has been a non-scientific survey that has reported 50 percent of parent that have agree or are undecided with the new time changes and 60 percent of staff agreed with the change. I believe that parents think it’s right for their children to start later or earlier because of the evidence that they have been provided about their children academic improvement. Staff had worked in school with the children and they might also believe it is right because it can change their school education but they don’t understand that it can affect the different schools because it will not be the same times for all…
Obesity, diabetes, depression, suicide thoughts and attempts, hypertension, and cancer. While daylight savings time, or DST, might seem harmless, and even beneficial, it can cause all the problems listed above. Daylight savings time should be abolished, as DST can ruin schedules, for an important meeting, it can be more dangerous, increasing the rate of traffic accidents, causing sleep deprivation, and a multitude of other issues, already listed above. DST ruins schedules, and that could be fatal, for those, who have a significant meeting on certain days. In “Why Should We Abolish Daylight Savings Time” it says, “Thus, when 2 people wake up at 0700 h for work, the body clock of the person on the eastern edge may be set to 0700 h, but that of…
4 Tips to survive Daylight Savings with Children “Daylight Savings”… are curse words for moms along with “Time Change” and “Fall Back”. Two times a year, we feel the need to mess with our sleep schedules that we spend the rest of the year working to perfect so that mommies can have alone time, or clean up time, or even wine time. , no judgment! I’m originally from the Saskatchewan myself, one of the few places in the world next to Hawaii that does not observe daylight savings. Our reason was it affected the farmers, they needed all the daylight the could get when tending to the crops.…
In the end though Daylight Savings Time is important because it greatly diminishes energy consumption and saves civilians lives from the extra daylight. Opponents may argue that Daylight Savings Time is a precursor to sleep problems but that is a false accusation. In one of the sources it stated that, “Daylight saving time is associated with sleep disruptions and possibly more serious consequences” (Source E). The notion that the change of an hour of time can throw off a sleep schedule is preposterous.…
Hansen, M., ABA Journal. Jul97, Vol. 83 Issue 7, p20. 2p.…
Sleep deprivation can lead to a lot of issues such as daytime fatigue, decreased memory, increased risk of heart attack or heart disease as well as increased risk of getting in a car crash. Studies have shown that DST is linked to an increase of automobile accidents in the days following the start of DST, mainly due to tired drivers. You may think that losing or gaining just one hour couldn 't possibly affect you this much but it can, and it…
(Petersilia, 2003 as cited by Geller et al., 2012,…
It is suggested that smartphones, bad bedroom environment, and light pollution are just a few things that pose a bigger threat to sleep deprivation than Daylight Saving Time (Sifferlin, 2015). Others say that in when in hour is gained in the Fall months that you gain an hour of sleep which is beneficial for your health. However, it was found that an average of only 12 extra minutes of sleep was gained during the Fall (Smith, 2014). Most arguments in favor of Daylight Saving Time appear weak, simply wanting to keep things the…
Over 15% of middle school students fell asleep in class because of lack of sleep. School start times should be later. Later school start times have students that have better grades. Schools that start later, having students with better moods. Earlier school start times have a negative effect on students’ mental health.…
The third shift or the night shift starts from the mid- night and ends in the wee hours of the day which is from 12 A.M to 8 A.M. Work done in shifts can certainly yield the best results for the companies, but various studies have pointed out that working in night shift or rotational shifts can have detrimental effects on the health of the employees. Working in night shifts in particular can be an impediment in living a healthy life. It is normally observed that most of the individuals…