Gallant Transcultural Model

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Davidhizar and Gallanti Transcultural Assessment
The Davidhizar and Gallanti transcultural model was created to help nurses identify with various cultures of their patients. It is a way to make aware of the aspects of culture such as their values and traditions. It consist of six different parts: space, time, communication, social organization, environmental control and biological variations. If the nurse keeps these all in mind, efficient cultural care can occur.
The first of the cultural phenomena we will be discussing is communication. Communication is how we interact with others. It consists of conveying information in a way that the person will understand. Communication styles are not just verbal cues but also non verbal
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This is evident by all the research to find new drugs and new ways to practice medicine. Future orientated people are always considering the future and working to achieve goals. They may be much more cooperative with preventative care.
Social Organization Social organization is related to family structure. This defines who is the head of the household or who makes decisions. This may include who or how many are involved in decision making within the patient’s care. This type of organization may be driven by the opinion of patriarchs even. The nurse may be able to pick up on this by observing who the patient is looking to when talking about their care. Maybe the female patient does not speak at all and her husband is the one asking questions. Another cue may be considering how many people are there at the hospital with them. Large groups of extended members present may indicate the importance of family to the patient’s culture.
Biological Variations Biological variations are more related to genetic factors. Although we may not know all the differences between cultures, we can look at trends and outcome to see how race may influence this. Some cultures or races are more susceptible to contracting diseases in life. This may be related to inheritance or common
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The focus will primarily be on the care related to pregnancy and birth. Many of the traditions and customs are based off the words of the Torah and the halacha. The Torah is believed to be the direct words from God. The halacha is focused on more personal relations than religious ones. It is studied greatly in the years spent bearing children. It focuses on the traditions and limitations involved with reproductive health and procreation. It may also include practices about marital relations. “Procreation is the first and one of the most important commandments in the Torah” (Apollo, 2008). A heavy emphasis on family is seen among Jewish families. Often they will have multiple children since it is a great privilege to care for them. The rabbi will be very involved in family matters such as the fertility and birthing process. Communication between the nurse and family of Orthodox Jews will consist of keeping gender into consideration. A woman will not feel comfortable talking to a

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