He then decided to go to South Africa. He was influenced to go by Robert Moffat, who was a missionary to South Africa and a part of the London Missionary Society. He told David of his vision for missions work in Africa. These ideas had a great influence on David's decision to work in Africa.
T.F. Buxton also played a part in David's decision to go. Buxton believed that if Christianity was spread throughout Africa, it could help abolish the awful slave trade that happened there. David Livingstone moved from mission to mission for various reasons. He then decided to travel all across Africa and explore places that no European had ever seen before. He thought this was the best way to spread the gospel to the natives that lived there. He would share the gospels with those he came in contact with, along with trading with them and mapping that specific area of the country. During his journeys, he found the Mosi-oa-Tunya Waterfall which he renamed Victoria falls after Queen Victoria. Although Livingstone wanted to spread the message of the gospel, his main intention for exploration was to abolish slavery in Africa. He wanted to find routes for commercial trade hoping that doing this would offer an alternative to slave trade. He published writing, hoping the people who read them would join the fight against slavery. Unfortunately David Livingstone never saw that happen.