Electronic cigarettes are a wave that started back in 2008. E-cigarettes are battery-powered devices that heat a liquid — containing nicotine mixed with the chemicals propylene glycol and glycerin. E-cigs deliver nicotine, a highly addictive drug, to the body without producing any smoke, which appeals to users as much less harmful. When they first arrived on the scene they were intentionally used to get people who were addicted to tobacco and traditional cigarettes to quit. The E-cig industry blew up in the high school scene very quickly as it was an easy way to “catch a buzz” at school or at home. This lead to many kids getting addicted to nicotine and using it more often.
The negative side effects of vaping and e-cigs are very similar to those of traditional cigarettes. "There …show more content…
Nicotine, when inhaled, reaches your brain causing the brain to release adrenaline thus creating a buzz of pleasure and energy. From a more scientific point of view it causes a temporary increase in blood pressure, an increase in heart rate, constricts blood vessels and increases the strength of the heart's contraction.This is the “buzz” feeling that users receive when they use e-cigs. This buzz is the main reason kids nowadays use e-cigs. Most say it's relaxing and can relieve anxiety and stress. The buzz fades quickly though, and leaves you feeling tired, a little down, and wanting the buzz again. This is what makes nicotine in e-cigs and traditional cigarettes so extremely addictive. Another main factor on what makes nicotine extremely addictive is that it is one of the very few addictions that has both a physical and a psychological impact on the user. On top of that, it also has social impact. Large groups of teens see using e-cigs as a way to look cool or fit in more. Because of this, kids look up to other kids who are using e-cigs which leads to more and more kids falling into nicotines deadly