Why Do Children Use Electronic Cigarettes?

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Electronic-cigarettes were created to provide an alternative way for people who are addicted to traditional cigarettes, the problem is that instead of making e-cigarettes a medical tool to help people who are addicted, it has become a toy for the younger generation. Sorrowfully, a toddler from New York died because the child ingested the liquid nicotine that is attached to e-cigarettes. The toddler was not smoking, the nicotine, but still passed away because the nicotine poisoned the child when they consumed the flavored liquid. The story isn’t the same for the other younger children because they are actually smoking it. The use of E-cigarettes among middle and high school students have tripled since 2013 to 2014 estimating to around two million students (CDC, 2016). This is not a positive sign because millions of children are at a potential of harming the process of their brain development and getting addicted to tobacco because they are inhaling nicotine. E-cigarettes are being portrayed as a safe and witty alternative to smoking, but e-cigarettes contain nicotine just like tobacco, which is highly addictive (Kids Health, 2016). E-cigarettes are basically an electronic version of a traditional cigarette without the combustion. With traditional cigarettes the consumers inhale more tar and carbon monoxide, which is why e-cigarettes are argued to be safer, but e-cigarettes still contain 41 other chemicals besides nicotine that people inhale (GASP, 2013). As world problems keep progressing one would think that something like smoking e-cigarettes would be easily avoided because it’s essentially healthier not to vape. The ethical issue is stopping the advertisement of e-cigarettes because in 2014, 18 million of the youth were exposed to it (CDC, 2016). …show more content…
Instead of creating a prodcutive alternative for addicts, e-cigarettes have sparked the younger generation to start smoking. There is not any research on the effects of smoking electronic-cigarettes because it is still new, so the side-effects could potentially be worse than regular cigarettes in the long run. This result won’t be concluded until the problems start to affect people. This is tragic because the younger generation using this product is increasing. Given an estimate of about ten years the production of electronic-cigarettes will surpass tobacco products (Price, 2014). Parents and the society as a whole have the right and responsibility to protect the younger generation. Results show that only 15 percent of 8th-graders believed that there are dangerous risks from smoking e-cigarettes, while the remaining 56 percent thought smoking traditional cigarettes has a higher risk of self-harm. (Wadley, 2014). Some children these days don’t understand that everything said in advertisements don’t have the whole truth behind it. Advertisements bend the truth, so the nation as a whole has to be able to control what the future of this country views because there’s always going to be wrong things in the world they just need to be taught and distinguish between what’s wrong or right. The promotion of E-cigarettes is a dilemma because it is developing a safer way to smoke even though the action is still amiss. …show more content…
This is like saying someone with diabetes should be eating junk food, but a different kind of junk food. Doesn’t sound right, right? The consumption of junk food is still sickening for them, but they still do it. Smoking can cause many health problems, but e-cigarettes can also because you are still inhaling chemicals and now advertisements are trying to make it like it’s the newest safest thing around. The commercials are promoting e-cigarettes by stating that people don’t have to go outside to smoke anymore and it can be easily done anywhere. The main stance should be stopping advertisements, so the future of this nation can live longer and happier lives. However, that’s not going to happen if commercials and websites have information about how safe cigarettes are. Which is false. The younger generation spends a lot of time behind a screen, so they are exposed to a lot of advertising, this is a problem because today’s advertisements can be really appealing to the eye, making the child watch them more and tempting them into buying the e-cigarette product. Imagine if the commercial was about e-cigarettes, the commercial would most likely have some tough looking guy holding the product which

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