Vaping Teenagers Research Paper

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Across the United States, smoking is the leading cause of preventable death among many people. Evidently, there are more than 480,000 deaths each year related to smoking. In other words, that means one in every five deaths are caused by tobacco-related products. Ignoring such a problem is quite impossible when there are so many lives being ruined. Seeking to decrease these numbers, many people are switching to e-cigarettes or vapes. As the article “Vaping Teens Becoming a New Generation of Nicotine Addicts” written by says, “the jury is still not out on whether e-cigarettes will be a savior to smokers who want to quit, the gateway to addiction for a new generation, or both.” Since there is yet to be enough evidence to prove that …show more content…
These addictions not only include drugs and alcohol, but also tobacco products. Tobacco products contain nicotine, which is is a drug and a powerful habit that is hard to break. Although many people are switching to e-cigarettes or other alternatives, they also contain nicotine. Evidently, “ Nicotine, contained in varying amounts in e-cigarettes, can rival the addictiveness of heroin and cocaine” (Warning: Vaping Teens Becoming a New Generation of Nicotine Addicts). Doesn’t that say enough? As research has found, young teens brains are not fully developed, which can lead to reduced impulse control, deficits in attention and cognition, and mood disorders. Keeping this is mind, these alternatives have only been on the market since 2006, and are progressively advancing. Also according to other substantial evidence, “e-cigarettes use among youth and young adults increase the risk of smoking traditional cigarettes in the future”(Warning: Vaping Teens Becoming a New Generation of Nicotine Addicts). In reality, there is plenty of evidence that proves our so called healthy alternatives are just going to cause more problems in the years to …show more content…
For instance, “vaping is even more convenient since there is rarely regulation of e-cigarettes indoors”(Netivist). In this case, I believe that this is just another excuse for Americans to be lazy and not have to walk outside. Also, many people believe that the smell of e-cigs is usually more tolerable to non-smokers too. Although this may be true, I believe that many non smokers are more worried about smokers well-being, rather than the smell. Alternatives to e-cigarettes’ emissions have also been proved to have fewer toxic components than cigarette smoke. As a matter of fact, manufacturers of e-cigarettes often market their product as healthier alternative to tobacco cigarettes, which many dumbfounded Americans believe. However, government regulators refuse to approve e-cigarettes as a product that helps people quit smoking and reduce the risk of smoking tobacco. As I see it, there is no crucial or health related benefits of these devices that have been

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