Governments in the U.S. are aware of the harm of bullying and have increased their efforts to tackle it by creating anti-bullying laws. According to Bullying Statistics 2010, bullying laws are laws that aim to prevent bullying or address it, when it happens or both. There are only states laws about bullying, but, a national law could be necessary for the importance of the problem. Bullying laws exist in 49 states including Massachusetts. In the article ' 'Bullying affects mental health for years ' ', Deborah Kotz reports that the 2010 suicide of Phoebe Prince - a 15-year-old Irish immigrant living in South Hadley who hanged herself after being persistently teased, threatened, ridiculed by fellow students sped up efforts by State legislators to pass an anti-bullying law. Accordingly, bullying laws will allow schools and administration to respond to bullying by making an investigation, taking disciplinary measures, notifying parents etc. to break off practices. In addition, children might be avoided to bully because of the rules and laws. Children and parents would also feel more secure when they know they could find justice and protection in their schools. They would also know the importance of reporting such incidents. For example, Phoebe might not be killed herself if she knew bullying laws existed to protect her. She would report the incident instead of killing
Governments in the U.S. are aware of the harm of bullying and have increased their efforts to tackle it by creating anti-bullying laws. According to Bullying Statistics 2010, bullying laws are laws that aim to prevent bullying or address it, when it happens or both. There are only states laws about bullying, but, a national law could be necessary for the importance of the problem. Bullying laws exist in 49 states including Massachusetts. In the article ' 'Bullying affects mental health for years ' ', Deborah Kotz reports that the 2010 suicide of Phoebe Prince - a 15-year-old Irish immigrant living in South Hadley who hanged herself after being persistently teased, threatened, ridiculed by fellow students sped up efforts by State legislators to pass an anti-bullying law. Accordingly, bullying laws will allow schools and administration to respond to bullying by making an investigation, taking disciplinary measures, notifying parents etc. to break off practices. In addition, children might be avoided to bully because of the rules and laws. Children and parents would also feel more secure when they know they could find justice and protection in their schools. They would also know the importance of reporting such incidents. For example, Phoebe might not be killed herself if she knew bullying laws existed to protect her. She would report the incident instead of killing