Social Media And Cyberbullying

Superior Essays
Technology is an ever changing construct in our society. It is something at this point, whether it being beneficial, it is detrimental to the way we communicate with others. Communication has evolved into a digital spectrum, and is embedded into our lives, whether we participate in social media or not. The fact that social media has become an integral part of the way that we communicate, it taints the experience of face-to-face communication, by being imbedded in a device. While having some detriments, there are a vast number of benefits that social media has had on our lives as a societal whole. Being in a dated society, this certainly has copious amounts of benefits, as well as many of downfalls.
Communication is something we, as human beings,
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Social media is an easy platform to hide behind, while making another person feel like they are worthless. Cyber bullying is nothing to look over, studies find that cyber bullying can influence the way someone’s perception for the rest of their life. “Regular, face-to-face bullying during the teen years may double the risk of depression in adulthood, and bullying 's effects can be as bad or worse than child abuse, studies show.” (Pappas, "Social Media Cyber Bullying Linked To Teen Depression", 2015). Bullying can be anonymous, or it can be identified; the premise is to essentially diminish one’s self esteem, but having social media, it provides an easy platform for adolescents to …show more content…
There are plenty of bad things that social media can do to our society, such as a lack of genuine communication, or bullying. However, the benefits to social media can be quit persuasive, as it allows us to stay connected with the world around us, access to countless things, and the ability to better our life on a day to day basis. Social media is an ever evolving construct that will change countless times before it can be perfected. As a species, it is truly astounding that we have been able to create such platforms, to attempt to aid our productivity. I do feel that social media has it’s downsides, but I personally believe that the benefits heavily outweighs the disadvantages. Communication is an essential part of being a human being, its a major characteristic that we simply, even if we tried, cannot live

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