I would describe the music style as being a traditional musical style with a jazz influence. The music …show more content…
The musical was good because the characters were cast well. The title of my favorite character is divided between Lieutenant Frank Cioffi and Bambi. Lieutenant Frank Cioffi is one of my favorite characters since he was more interested in improving the musical and getting Niki to fall in love with him than he was solving the murder. I liked Bambi for the reason she was not afraid to speak her mind, she had a dream being on Broadway that she was not going to let anyone from stop from following her not even her mother.
The benefits about attending a live theater can be for entertainment, can create new with family or friends, and an escape from the real world. Comparing a live theater to watching a musical on film, live musicals offer a different atmospheric experience. This is done by the way actors feeding off the energy from the audience during applause, are in a way interacting with characters, creating a sense of connection with the characters, and can feel the music around you. On the contrary movie musicals being able to have technical advancement, every scene of the film is reshoot until it is perfect, film makers can make the audience become absorbed to the screen, and lastly right in the action, not seeing it from a distance.
There were no negatives to the musical Curtain because the actors all were in touch with their characters and everyone in the audience was engaged in the show. Also, the songs were catchy and singing was