Lung cancer affects a lot of people around the world. In fact “lung cancer is the most common cancer in the Western world. The disease itself, and its effects on patients’ families, afflicts thousands of us each year (Falk).” That is a lot of people, but there have also been a lot of different types of lung cancer. “Main types of lung cancer Non-small cell carcinoma …show more content…
The first fact is “it is approved for use in Cuba and Peru (Noble).” This is good because when we hear of a type of drug or vaccine you want to know that is safe and that there has been research to prove that it is effective. Second “so far, 5,000 individuals have been given the injection (Noble).” These 5,000 individuals are from Cuba. Third “the vaccine works best for younger people, having an increased effectiveness in those younger than 60 (Noble).” People younger than 60 that have been injected “survived an average of 18.5 months. These younger and vaccinated patients survived significantly longer than controls, who survived an average of 7.6 months (Staff).” This is good because it proves that there is a wide variety of people that can have positive effects from it. Sixth “the preventative measure is affordable – Cuba pays one dollar for each shot (Noble).” This is actually amazing that they have it so cheap and affordable for people to receive it and is available to help people affected by lung cancer. Finally seventh “there has been no significant side effects have been found as of yet (Noble).” This is good because you always hear about crazy side effects for example nausea, vomiting, and hair loss that make people scared and think again of taking some medications and …show more content…
Well the good thing is that the US is actually in the process of receiving the vaccine from Cuba. “President Barack Obama will become the first president to visit Cuba in almost 90 years. But one of the most exciting things about the thawing of relations between Cuba and the U.S. is happening stateside right now: the possibility of clinical trials of a drug to prevent lung cancer, and possibly other cancers, too (Schumaker).” This is exciting news that because we get to be part of an amazing discovering. Knowing that we would have something to improve someone’s life that is affected by lung cancer.
There are a few things our scientists have to do when we receive the vaccine from Cuba. “U.S. researchers need to conduct clinical trials and replicate international scientists’ results before it becomes available to the American public (Schumaker).” This is reasonable because it has to get approved by our government first to prove that we can produce it safely as well and to see if we can come up with any improvements as