The goal of the present study was to test the effectiveness of the CSBY program with a sample of African American youth and their parents. African American children ages 7–11 years and their parents participated in the efficacy trial, which tested the impact of the CSBY intervention on self-esteem, racial identity, and parent-child communication about race. We hypothesized that the CSBY intervention would be associated with significant increases in child self-esteem, racial identity, and parent-child communications about race.
The goal of the present study was to test the effectiveness of the CSBY program with a sample of African American youth and their parents. African American children ages 7–11 years and their parents participated in the efficacy trial, which tested the impact of the CSBY intervention on self-esteem, racial identity, and parent-child communication about race. We hypothesized that the CSBY intervention would be associated with significant increases in child self-esteem, racial identity, and parent-child communications about race.