The best approach for informing the SME about the ID role is to first acknowledge her as being the SME and that the ID knows she is capable of develop the training . However, the ID can tell her that the ID role is to add experiences of learning and best practices to the process. Then let her know that an ID knows how people learn and have techniques on how to help them learn better and more effective. He should then proceed to informed her that “the purpose of instructional design is to "identify the skills, knowledge and the attitude gaps of a targeted audience and to create select and suggest learning experiences that close this gap" (Malamed). Finally the ID can help engage the employee in learning activities and create training to make practice closer to real life skills. …show more content…
He should then ask the SME to identify what the employee need to learn and to list the problems they are encountering. In addition, it would be a good idea for the ID to ask for thoughts on what training should be done and how it should be presented. Then the ID can provide a solution or a plan using the SME feedback and show her how the collaboration could have a positive impact. The ID can apply four of Knowles’ principles when working with SMEs as they are educating them on the approach to course design. Those four principles are: experience, active, relevant, and self-direction (EARS).