Creon Tragic Hero Essay

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Was Creon a tragic hero, or just a tragic mess?there are many people who are divided by this question, trying to discern if he really is the tragic hero or not. In my opinion? Yes, he is.

A “tragic hero” is defined as “a literary character who makes a judgement error that inevitably leads to his/her own destruction.” There are 6 traits to a tragic hero, and Creon displays all 6, starting with him being a person of high estate. Creon was made King of Thebes after the deaths of Eteocles and Polyneices. He suffered from hamartia after he became king when he refused to Burt Polyneices properly, just as his brother was. No matter who talked to him, he would not let them dissuade him and his opinion, for his pride was too strong.

Another big piece of him being a tragic hero was when he began to change his mind after the chorus talking him into listening to his prophet, Teiresias. Teiresias predicted the death of one of Creon children, but Creon stayed stubborn. As the chorus talked to him, he began to listen and head the warning of Teiresias. Sadly, he was too late. His pride had gotten in the way, and his son killed himself. “Alas, my son, you died so young...” (Creon, Strophe 1) This was Creon words about Haemom, who took his own life after losing his love and failing to kill Creon.
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This helps cause his fifth attribute of a tragic hero, which is the reversal of fortune, otherwise known as paripeteia. While he had before been full of confidence and pride, he now is filled with sorrow and bereavement. He begins to think, and comes to his revelation. He began thinking, and talkin, and came to the conclusion that is was his fault his wife and son were dead, as he had not headed many warnings. His pride caused his

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