“Everybody get lined up for some limbo!” Dj Mark announced as I glanced over and saw Matt with Frank’s skate. I thought, wouldn’t it limbo be more fun on a 5 wheeler skate? I skated over to Frank and asked for his skate, as he handed me his skate, I saw that limbo was 5 minutes in already and there’s already a short line. I hurried over to the floor before it ended so I could still play.
“You’re gonna hurt yourself,” this guy said as I sat down on Frank’s skate and lined up behind him. I didn’t listen to the guy, I simply ignored him.
It was almost my turn to go, I looked at the limbo bar and the skate and realized I wasn’t lined up with the bars enough. I picked up Frank’s skate while sitting on it, the weight was …show more content…
Since I thought it was my skin, I asked for a bandage. During the time I asked the lady, I bursted out into tears. I can feel the blood running down my finger, having a dead end at my palm, having it drip. The lady grabbed me a bunch of paper towels and grabbed ice, she held the paper towel around my nail to soak up the blood, she held the ice pack under my finger. Through my teary eyes I saw Mark coming with his phone, he let me borrow it to call my grandma, he also asked me which locker was mine so he could grab my stuff. I told him my locker was 309 and I started to press in my grandma’s …show more content…
The room was bland, no color, but it comes with a hospital bed at least. I laid down on the hospital bed and the nurse came in telling me we have to take x-rays. The x-rays caused a lot of pain in my finger, but I waited 2 hours for my numbing shot for my surgery. The numbing shot was painful, my eyes filled with tears as the long needle poked straight through my hand. I waited 10 minutes for my finger to get all numb and then the surgery started, the doctor covered my nail with this yellow water, he grabbed the needle and had the thread straight through the hole of the needle and started stitching. The stitches were dissolvable stitches, they dissolve when they are ready to so it would be easier for me. At the end, my finger was numb, I got 5 stitches in total, the doctor said it would take about 6 months to a year for it to heal. I went home after 4 hours in the hospital. I got a splint for my finger to help it prevent from hitting anything. Everything was done, and I was okay, let’s just hope none of this ever happens again.