Cosmopolitanism In Australia Research Paper

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Western idea usually means an idea originally from and developed in the Western culture. A Western idea can concern various things, such as politics, philosophy, science, and art. Definition of the West is not simple. The West sometimes thought as European countries and their colonies, so for example, the United States, Canada, and Australia are also regarded as the West. Although Australia has a history that had an experience of colonisation by the British, Australia also has experienced its own development in and engagement with the world. Therefore, to think Australia as a Western idea because of its colonised history may not be reasonable. Australia can have other reasons to be regarded as the West. This essay will discuss that Australia …show more content…
It has been thought that the origins of the cosmopolitanism is from ‘classical Greece’ (Warf 2012, p. iii) and date to ‘the fourth century BC’ (Appiah, 2006, p. xiv). Warf (2012, p. iii) defined cosmopolitanism as ‘an ethical, moral, and political philosophy’ and Appiah (2006, p. xiv) suggested that the cosmopolitanism is an idea different from the idea which has been viewed as everyone belonging to only one of societies in the world. Rather, Immanuel Kant, a modern cosmopolitan thinker, regarded that cosmopolitanism is ‘a world federation of states’ (cited in Warf 2012, p. iii). Today, people can easily go to many overseas countries, share many events happened in the world, and share many foreign cultures. In economic area, many countries trade with many other countries. In political sphere, there are the United Nations, the European Union, and many other organisations which are associated beyond cultures, the races and borders. Also, in the world there are a number of immigrants and refugees to start to live in foreign countries. Thus, the cosmopolitanism, an idea from Greece, means that people exist in a world all united without any borders and this cosmopolitanism still exist in the …show more content…
Australian election and vote system welcome various opinions and most Australian people are allowed to access to Australian politics by voting. In different level, Australian people are also allowed to express freely that right is called as freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Another Western idea, cosmopolitanism, also exist in Australian politics, because Australia offers aid to poorer countries beyond borders. Within Australian society, population, food, and environment have some effects of cosmopolitanism. Through this essay, democracy seems to relate to the idea of liberalism and cosmopolitanism can connect to globalism. From this point of view, Western ideas can be regarded to connect to each other ideas. Not only one of those ideas is adopted by one community, nor do ideas exist in everywhere of a whole community. Various Western ideas can exist in one place, but sometimes one or more of these ideas can be lack depending on fields. However, at least democracy and cosmopolitanism and related to them, maybe liberalism and globalism can be found in Australia. Thus, Australia is regarded as a Western

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