Kant's View Of Cosmopolitanism

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Cosmopolitanism is a word meaning; being free from local, provincial or national ideas, prejudices or attachments, it is derived from the Greek word kosmopolites, translated to “citizens of the world”. This is the philosophy that all human individuals regardless of their political relationships, should all be citizens making up a single community. The idea or notion of living within a cosmopolitanism society can provide us humans with a new understanding, a new outlook and a new perspective on grasping and conceptualizing complex solutions, surfacing from the globalization process. Overcoming this process can lead us to the realization that people can live in a community free from anarchy and complexity. Cosmopolitanism can be defined as a …show more content…
Now even thou Plato and Aristotle do not specifically link to cosmopolitanism, their ideas have the same type of perspective to that of which this essay is about. When looking at the big picture in today’s society and talking about a single community made up of man, these two philosophers emphasis on the polis; which is a city’s contingency in ancient Greece, and specifically considered for philosophical purposes. An idea like this isolates the conventional ties of politics and the natural ties of humanity. These two views are cynics and …show more content…
Ideological communitarianism is referred to a political philosophy in the late 20th century and is sometimes marked by leftism on economic issues and central on social issues. A commonality between the two is that by providing indiviudals with such rights, communitarians violate the negative rights of the citizens; rights to not have something done for you. For example, taxation to pay for such programs as described above dispossesses individuals of property. Proponents of positive rights, by attributing the protection of negative rights to the society rather than the government, respond that individuals would not have any rights in the absence of societies—a central tenet of communitarianism—and thus have a personal responsibility to give something back to

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