Relation Between Globalization And Westernization

Improved Essays
In this essay we will examine the relationship between globalization and westernization, and whether or not they are equal to each other and whether the advance of westernization is helpful or problematic for the societies. Westernization is the changing from the traditional cultural to the western dominance and western imperialism, but globalization is infect the tendency in which technologies, philosophical and economic advances can be made throughout the world with a global time zone and boundaries. There are many different views on whether globalization is equal in term to the westernization way of thinking and taking their capitalism way of life, science and technology and employing it on their own. Whether one can consider to advance …show more content…
(Aart, 3) Due to the fact that a good and precise study can promote an insight into interesting and empowering and shift our perspective to a positive direction while a misguided core concept can damage our overall comprehension. (Aart, 3)Today the globalization concept has varied across disciplines across the world and across the theoretical, economic, political approaches of the societies. (Aart, 5) Globalization should be a way to understand many different views and concepts that secures and understands universal acceptance and can generate an insight that can be debated and intercommunicated with others, rather than a single viewpoint that causes self-abandons in order to reach that goal. (Aart, 6) To ask everyone to conform to a single view would be asking many people to abandon themselves. The object of definition is not to discover one understanding that secures the universal acceptance, but to generate insight that can be effectively communicated to, and debated with, others. (Aart, …show more content…
(J.Campbell, 1) In an age of information overflowing it could be difficult to connect and adapt to all the new things, therefore in order for individuals to understand and interact with this interconnected world, they must embrace global perspective and viewpoints for their own sake and for the humanities sake. (J.Campbell, 1) Some believe that globalization is intrinsically “good”, others believe it is inherently “bad”, and still others assert that while it is intrinsically neither good nor bad, it can have both positive and negative effects. (J.Campbell, 4) Some view globalization as the new phenomenon driven by technologies such as satellites, cell phones and internet while others see it as an extension of ongoing processes that encompass all of human history. (J, Campbell, 5) The term “globalization refers to a multidimensional set of social processes that create, multiply stretch, and intensify worldwide social interdependence and exchanges while at the same time fostering in people a growing awareness of deepening connections between the local and the distant.”(J, Campbell, 4) Westernization is usually known as a particular type of universalize in which the social structures of modernity (capitalism, industrialism, rationalism, urbanism, etc.) are spread the world over, destroying the cultures and local

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