What Are My Core Values

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All individuals have their own core values but many share values with their family. Most values are taught through natural and logical consequences. Core values my family lives by are honestly, forgiveness, strong work ethic and not judging people based on their appearances or background. Our values are extremely similar to American mainstream values. We did not grow up with different cultures influences. My father is part Mexican and he grew up in a Mexican culture in America but he was taught he needed to down play his heritage. My father would tell us stories of his childhood. He would mention how some of the children picked on him because he could not speak English well and his skin color was darker than theirs. Through learning this, my brothers and I have learned to never judge people based on their appearances. When I learned my father was bullied just because of his heritage I was outraged. Now I make it appoint to make sure no one is treated differently because of his or her appearance. I also think it is extremely important to pass on this core value to the next generation, especially now with how multicultural the U.S. is becoming.
When I was growing up I was considered a “tomboy” because I liked sports and I liked to wear baggy clothes. I do believe this has a lot to do with growing up with two older brothers and no sisters. Now looking back I wanted to fit in with my brothers and they always played sports. I did grow to like sports and I did enjoy the time I spent towards sports. My parents were supportive; they never made me feel uncomfortable. However, as I grew up I started to become more interested in boys and makeup. In a relationship I like the man to be really masculine. Masculine men are men who are aggressive, strong, and don’t spend a lot of time getting ready to go out. I am not sure if I would have always felt like this or if society has played a part in this. This does not mean that I have a problem with more feminine type men; I just would not be attracted to them. I do believe people should not change themselves to fit society norms. A quote I live by is “be yourself because everyone else is taken.” I would really like to teach my students that it is okay to be who you are. Sexual Orientation: My parents never disused gays and lesbians to my brothers and I growing up. This was because we were not exposed to it until we got older. My brothers and I got more of our opinions from society, this is one of the reasons my brothers and I differ in opinions on this topic. Society implies gay men are not real men and they are weak. What is a real man? Society should not define what a man is supposed to be. I believe we should not judge other people because of who they love. We should all be allowed to have the freedom to be with who ever we want and we should not be judged for it. My cousin is the first person I know who came out of the closet, so to speak. When she first told me I did not think it was a big deal because she was still just my cousin to me. This does not change who she is, she will always be my cousin. I respect any individual who can come out in the world today because they still have to deal with criticism. Socio-Economic Background: Growing up I would consider myself middle class. I was very privileged; my family
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My father is considered ‘brown’ and my brothers, my mother and I are considered ‘white.’ When I was growing up I did not see a difference between my father and myself, he was just my father. I also had a black nanny. My mother use to tell me, I use to say the only different between Mrs. Gladis (my nanny) and my mother is my mother is older and has lighter hair. Color was never an issue in our household until my brothers and I started to hear the racial comments about Mexicans. My father told us how he was bullied for being Mexican. This taught us about racism and how it can negativity affect

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