Settling into these roles began early on life, girls who didn’t get married during or after high school would only go to college to primarily find a husband. During this decade, women were only encouraged to find a spouse rather than to pursue higher education or training for a future career; they weren’t encouraged to have ambitions of their own. They were taught to settle into gender roles instead to defy them. These roles were previously established in the 1940’s when women had to fill in for men when they went off to war, to take over the jobs in construction and manufacturing. However, when the men came back women were fired instantly to give those jobs back to their male counterparts. This lead to a woman’s place being considered the home instead a work force. Betty Friedan, author of the “Feminine Mystique,” believed woman wanted and needed more out of life, which is accurate; life can’t be fulfilling if society tells you your ambition is cooking, cleaning, and caring for children: Over and over again, stories in women 's magazines insist that women can know fulfillment only at the moment of giving birth to a child. They deny the years when she can no longer look forward to giving birth, even if she repeats the act over and over again…there is no other way for a woman to dream of creation or of the future. There is no other way she can even dream about herself, except as her children 's mother, her husband 's wife. (115) The first line refers to images of women practically going hog-wild over new appliances were shown in all types of media, as if new appliances and cleaning products is what they lived for. This stereotype was reinforced everywhere in society through various media types. Friedan pointed this out in her book and broke the silence of among women and opened up a dialogue. The ideal, big, happy family was another standard to live up to and maintain. During this time, men and women typically met in high school or college and got married at a young age, around 18-22years of age. Once married, there is no honeymoon phase to enjoy the marriage; honeymoons were meant to make babies and begin the process of creating a family. Families were very traditional during this
Settling into these roles began early on life, girls who didn’t get married during or after high school would only go to college to primarily find a husband. During this decade, women were only encouraged to find a spouse rather than to pursue higher education or training for a future career; they weren’t encouraged to have ambitions of their own. They were taught to settle into gender roles instead to defy them. These roles were previously established in the 1940’s when women had to fill in for men when they went off to war, to take over the jobs in construction and manufacturing. However, when the men came back women were fired instantly to give those jobs back to their male counterparts. This lead to a woman’s place being considered the home instead a work force. Betty Friedan, author of the “Feminine Mystique,” believed woman wanted and needed more out of life, which is accurate; life can’t be fulfilling if society tells you your ambition is cooking, cleaning, and caring for children: Over and over again, stories in women 's magazines insist that women can know fulfillment only at the moment of giving birth to a child. They deny the years when she can no longer look forward to giving birth, even if she repeats the act over and over again…there is no other way for a woman to dream of creation or of the future. There is no other way she can even dream about herself, except as her children 's mother, her husband 's wife. (115) The first line refers to images of women practically going hog-wild over new appliances were shown in all types of media, as if new appliances and cleaning products is what they lived for. This stereotype was reinforced everywhere in society through various media types. Friedan pointed this out in her book and broke the silence of among women and opened up a dialogue. The ideal, big, happy family was another standard to live up to and maintain. During this time, men and women typically met in high school or college and got married at a young age, around 18-22years of age. Once married, there is no honeymoon phase to enjoy the marriage; honeymoons were meant to make babies and begin the process of creating a family. Families were very traditional during this