Many of the sounds of ChE resemble those of SAE but are typically influenced by Spanish pronunciation. One specific feature that is present in both varieties is the word-final alveolar-cluster reduction where the word fast is pronounced as if it were spelled fass (Fromkin et al., 2011). Another like feature includes the loss of a consonant cluster at the end of a word. For example, missed pronounced as miss in ChE (Fromkin et al., 2011). Since the words are pronounced similairly in both variations, the intelligabilty of the spoken forms are generally maintained and can be understood by speakers from both
Many of the sounds of ChE resemble those of SAE but are typically influenced by Spanish pronunciation. One specific feature that is present in both varieties is the word-final alveolar-cluster reduction where the word fast is pronounced as if it were spelled fass (Fromkin et al., 2011). Another like feature includes the loss of a consonant cluster at the end of a word. For example, missed pronounced as miss in ChE (Fromkin et al., 2011). Since the words are pronounced similairly in both variations, the intelligabilty of the spoken forms are generally maintained and can be understood by speakers from both