Comparison Of The Six Animal Kingdoms

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“So for today we’re going to learn about the six different animal kingdoms.” Both of the cubs cock their heads at her in confusion. “Here, let me explain.” she says realizing their confusion. “There are six different kingdoms of beings, we only live in one of those kingdoms known as Animalia or the animal kingdom. The animal kingdom includes birds, mammals, reptiles you name it. The one thing well all share in common though is that we all eat, reproduce, and eventually pass away.” both of the cubs nod their heads so she continues,”There are five others, Plantae, Fungi, Protista, Eukaryotic bacteria, and Archaebacteria. Jenga makes a giggly snorting sound and says,”Eww-karyotic, what’s that suppose to mean?!” he says while both cubs try to stifle a laugh. The mother rolls her eyes before replying,”Well Eukaryotic bacteria are part of the Eukaryota taxon or group, which is one difference between Eukaryotic an--,” Jenga suddenly interrupts her with,”Wait so you’re telling me that there are other living things besides plants and animals?!” …show more content…
“Well then why don’t we ever see them?” He asks, a questioning look on his face. She pauses for a moment to think,”Well they’re so small can’t even see them. Anyway to continue on Eukaryotic bacteria are these tiny creatures that have many different parts such as, a nucleus which is like a brain, and mitochondria which give them energy, and many other things. Also, like I was trying to say before, one difference between Archaebacteria and Eukaryotic bacteria is Eukaryotes have membrane-bound organelles.” she finishes. Both of the cubs seem to understand but she wants to make sure so she asks them,”Any

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