In 1930s, Germany had face a crucial time when Hitler had rise to power and dominated the Jews and Germans. This was a when Hitler had his terrible yet well know reputation of being a cruel man. His actions hadI believe that the comparison between Donald Trump and Hitler is appropriate because both had thought that foreigners were inferior, they promise that they will make their country great again, and both had use violence to deal with their problems.
Donald Trump doesn't want immigrant to move into the United State and this could reflect to how Hitler treated the immigrant who came to Germany. Donald Trump had said “They’re are not coming to this country if I’m president.”,“If Obama has brought some to this country they are leaving, they’re going, they’re gone.” Hitler wanted immigrants, jews, …show more content…
Donald trump said “Let's make America great again” similar to Hitler saying “Let's make Germany great again”. Back before Hitler was elected, Germany had loss WWI and was forced to sign the treaty of Versaille. Some of the condition from the treaty that affected Germany economic was that they had to pay for all the damage that was made from the war. “By December 1922, because the German government could not pay French and Belgian troops invaded and occupied the Ruhr to take goods and raw materials in lieu of money.”They were already in a huge debt from buying supplies for the war and this was a major impact on their finances. Hitler had used the opportunity to blame the Jews for their massive defeat that change their entire economy. He had spread a false accusation and this had inflicted hatred through everyone's mind. Donald Trump had mirrored Hitler action by giving the people something to blame about for their poor condition. Instead of the Jew's, Trump had accuse their economic problems against all